

Heads up

We’ve decided to sunset these features by January 2025:

  • Synchronous containers and tags. We recommend removing them and adjusting your setups accordingly. Read more
  • ‘Ask for consent only in countries under the GDPR and UK GDPR’ feature. The consent form will now be displayed to all visitors, regardless of their location.



  • We’ve added three screens for a more informative process of managing scheduled report unsubscriptions: confirm unsubscription, success confirmation, and error message for expired/invalid links.


  • We’ve resolved issues with scheduled reports and alerts failing when the author of a schedule was deleted. Notifications and reports now work even if the author is removed.

Customer Data Platform


  • Enterprise Search, filter, and pagination features are now available for audience, activation, and webhook import logs.


  • We’ve increased the tracking period for behavioral audience events from 30 to 180 days. Now, you can create audiences with conditions like: “All users who performed the event 3 times in the last 180 days.”



  • Automated provisioning of user permissions makes adding users to user groups easier and faster through your external identity provider (IdP) connection. Read more

Data collection


  • The send_image=0 parameter is no longer added by default in normal requests.
    The send_image=1 parameter is still added when requesting images using the getImage function.
  • We’ve removed the obsolete _idn tracking parameter.