Here’s a list of core metrics that you can use in API calls. You can create additional metrics using transformations.
Name Cart abandonment rate Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type float
Name Bounce rate Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type float
Name Page bounce rate Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type float
Name Bounces Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Adds to cart Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Removes from cart Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Cart-to-detail rate Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type float
Name Consent form clicks Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Consent form impressions Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Consents to A/B testing and personalization Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Consents to analytics Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Any consents Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Changed consents Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Consents to conversion tracking Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Custom consents Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name First consents Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Full consents Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Consents to marketing automation Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name No decisions Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name No consents Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Consents to remarketing Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Consents to user feedback Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Content impressions Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Content interaction rate Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type float
Name Content interactions Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Custom events Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Downloads Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Abandoned carts Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Order rate Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type float
Name Orders Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Entries Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Entry rate Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type float
Name Events Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Events per session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type float
Name Exit rate Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type float
Name Exit rate (events) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type float
Name Exits Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Goal conversion rate Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type float
Name Goal conversions Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Order-to-detail rate Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type float
Name Outlinks Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Page views Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Product detail views Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name % of returning visitors Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type float
Name Searches Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Sessions Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
❗️ Deprecated
Use product_quantity with 'sum' transformation instead.
Name Total quantity Scopes event, product Availability Query API Type int
Name Unique content impressions Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Unique content interactions Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Unique custom events Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Unique downloads Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Unique goal conversions Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Unique outlinks Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Unique page views Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
❗️ Deprecated
Use ecommerce_conversions instead.
Name Unique purchases Scopes event, product Availability Query API Type int
Name Unique searches Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Users Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Visitor IPs Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Name Visitors Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type int
Here’s a list of core dimensions that you can use in API calls.
Name Browser engine Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Browser fingerprint Scopes event, product, session Availability Raw data API Type int Database type uint64 Nullable false
Name Browser language Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [str, str] Database type string(2) Nullable true Notes browser_language_iso639.json
Name Browser name Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [str, str] Database type string(3) Nullable true Notes browser_name.json
Name Browser version Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Campaign content Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Gclid Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable true
Name Campaign ID Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Campaign name Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Consent action Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [int, str] Database type uint8 Nullable true Notes consent_action.json
Name Consent form button Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [int, str] Database type uint8 Nullable true Notes consent_form_button.json
Name Consent scope Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [int, str] Database type uint8 Nullable true Notes consent_scope.json
Name Consent source Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [int, str] Database type uint8 Nullable true Notes consent_source.json
Name Consent to A/B testing and personalization Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable true
Name Consent to analytics Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable true
Name Consent to conversion tracking Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable true
Name Custom consent Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable true
Name Consent to marketing automation Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable true
Name Consent to remarketing Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable true
Name Consent to user feedback Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable true
Name Content name Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Content piece Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Content target Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Cookie ID Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type hex Database type uint64 Nullable false
Name Custom event action Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Custom event category Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Custom event name Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Custom event value Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type float Database type float64 Nullable true
Name Device brand Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [str, str] Database type string(3) Nullable true Notes device_brand.json
Name Device model Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Device type Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [int, str] Database type uint8 Nullable true Notes device_type.json
Name Domain lookup time Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable true Notes in milliseconds
Name Download URL Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom dimension 1 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom dimension 2 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom dimension 3 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom dimension 4 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom dimension 5 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom dimension * Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false Notes read more about slots
Name Event custom variable key 1 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom variable key 2 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom variable key 3 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom variable key 4 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom variable key 5 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom variable key * Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false Notes read more about slots
Name Event custom variable value 1 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom variable value 2 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom variable value 3 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom variable value 4 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom variable value 5 Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event custom variable value * Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false Notes read more about slots
Name Event ID Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Raw data API Type int Database type uint64 Nullable false
Name Event index Scopes event, product Availability Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Page title Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Event type Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [int, str] Database type uint8 Nullable false Notes event_type.json
Name Page URL Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
❗️ Deprecated
Removed, to identify Goals, use goal_uuid
Name Goal name Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type [int, str] Database type int32 Nullable true
Name Goal revenue Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type float Database type float64 Nullable true
Name Goal name Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [str, str] Database type string(16) Nullable true Notes goal UUID from Analytics
Name IPv4 address Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type ipv4 Database type not applicable Nullable true
Name IPv6 address Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type ipv6 Database type not applicable Nullable true
Name Bounced session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable false
Name Entry view Scopes event, product Availability Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable false
Name Exit view Scopes event, product Availability Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable false
❗️ Deprecated
Use product_count instead.
Name Unique item count Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable true
Name Keyword Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Local time (hour) Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type not applicable Nullable false
Name City Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [int, str] Database type string Nullable true Notes unique identifiers as specified by GeoNames
Name Continent Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [str, str] Database type string(2) Nullable true Notes location_continent_iso_code.json
Name Country Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [str, str] Database type string Nullable true Notes ISO 3166-2 codes (e.g. “PL”)
Name Latitude Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type float Database type float64 Nullable true
Name Longitude Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type float Database type float64 Nullable true
❗️ Deprecated
Removed, available only in outdated reports.
Name Designated market area Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [str, str] Database type string(3) Nullable true Notes location_metro_code.json
Name Organization Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Provider Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Subdivision Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [str, str] Database type string Nullable true Notes ISO 3166-2 codes (e.g. “PL-DS”)
Name Subdivision 2 Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [str, str] Database type string Nullable true Notes ISO 3166-2 codes (e.g. “ES-M”)
Name Abandoned cart value Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type float Database type float64 Nullable true
Name Medium Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str_nocase Database type string Nullable false
Name Next page view title Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Next page view URL Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Operating system Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [str, str] Database type string(3) Nullable true Notes operating_system.json
Name Operating system version Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Order ID Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Outlink URL Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Page generation time Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type float Database type float64 Nullable true Notes in milliseconds
Name Page rendering time Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint32 Nullable true Notes in milliseconds
Name Page view index Scopes event, product Availability Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable true
Name Cookie support Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable false
Name Director plugin Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable false
Name Flash plugin Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable false
Name Gears plugin Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable false
Name Java plugin Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable false
Name PDF plugin Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable false
Name QuickTime plugin Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable false
Name RealPlayer plugin Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable false
Name Silverlight plugin Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable false
Name Windows media player plugin Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int(0,1) Database type uint8 Nullable false
Name Previous page view title Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Previous page view URL Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Product brand Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product category Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product category (Level 1) Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product category (Level 2) Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product category (Level 3) Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product category (Level 4) Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product category (Level 5) Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Unique product count Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable true
Name Product dimension 1 Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product dimension 2 Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product dimension 3 Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product dimension 4 Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product dimension 5 Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product dimension * Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false Notes read more about slots
Name Product name Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product price Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API Type float Database type array of float32 Nullable false
Name Product quantity Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API Type int Database type array of uint32 Nullable false
Name Product revenue Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API Type float Database type array of float32 Nullable false
Name Product SKU Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product variant Scopes product Availability Real-time, Query API Type str Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product brand (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product category (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product category 1 (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product category 2 (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product category 3 (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product category 4 (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product category 5 (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product dimension 1 (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product dimension 2 (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product dimension 3 (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product dimension 4 (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product dimension 5 (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product dimension * (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false Notes read more about slots
Name Product name (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product price (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Raw data API Type array Database type array of float32 Nullable false
Name Product quantity (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Raw data API Type array Database type array of uint32 Nullable false
Name Product revenue (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Raw data API Type array Database type array of float32 Nullable false
Name Product SKU (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Product variant (array) Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Raw data API Type array Database type array of string Nullable false
Name Time of redirections Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable true Notes in milliseconds
Name Channel Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [int, str] Database type uint8 Nullable false Notes referrer_type.json
Name Referrer URL Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Resolution Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable true
Name Resolution height Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable true
Name Resolution width Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable true
Name Revenue Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type float Database type float64 Nullable true
Name Discount Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type float Database type float64 Nullable true
Name Shipping Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type float Database type float64 Nullable true
Name Subtotal Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type float Database type float64 Nullable true
Name Tax Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type float Database type float64 Nullable true
Name Search category Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Search keyword Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Search results count Scopes event, product Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint32 Nullable true
Name Server connection time Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable true Notes in milliseconds
Name Server response time Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable true Notes in milliseconds
Name Session custom dimension 1 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom dimension 2 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom dimension 3 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom dimension 4 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom dimension 5 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom dimension * Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false Notes read more about slots
Name Session custom variable key 1 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom variable key 2 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom variable key 3 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom variable key 4 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom variable key 5 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom variable key * Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false Notes read more about slots
Name Session custom variable value 1 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom variable value 2 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom variable value 3 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom variable value 4 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom variable value 5 Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session custom variable value * Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false Notes read more about slots
Name Shopping stage Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type [int, str] Database type uint8 Nullable false Notes session_ecommerce_status.json
Name Session entry title Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session entry URL Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session exit title Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session exit URL Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session goals Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type array(uuid) Database type array of string(16) Nullable false
Name Session goals Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type array Database type array of int32 Nullable false
Name Session ID Scopes event, product, session Availability Raw data API Type int Database type uint64 Nullable false
Name Session second title Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Session second URL Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Abandoned carts in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Adds to cart in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Removes from cart in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Content impressions in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Content interactions in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Custom events in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Downloads in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Orders in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Events in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Goal conversions in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Outlinks in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Page views in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Product detail views in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Site searches in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Session time Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint32 Nullable false Notes in seconds
Name Unique content impressions in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Unique content interactions in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Unique custom events in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Unique downloads in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Unique outlinks in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Unique page views in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Unique site searches in session Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Source Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str_nocase Database type string Nullable false
Name Source / medium Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str_nocase Database type string Nullable false
Name Time on page Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint32 Nullable true Notes in seconds
Name Date Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API Type date Database type not applicable Nullable false Notes server time in the website’s time zone
Name Time until DOM is ready Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint32 Nullable true Notes in milliseconds
Name Time to interact Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint32 Nullable true
Name User ID Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable false
Name Days since first session Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable true
Name Days since last session Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable true
Name Days since last order Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable true
Name Visitor ID Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type hex Database type uint64 Nullable false
Name Returning visitor Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type [int, str] Database type uint8 Nullable false Notes visitor_returning.json
Name Session number Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Site or app name Scopes event, product, session Availability Real-time, Query API, Raw data API Type [str, str] Database type not applicable Nullable false Notes website UUID
• If you make a call that includes one or more columns with the event
scope, the entire calculation will be based on events rather than sessions. This might affect some custom metrics, such as average session time.
• The Database type
column displays the source type associated with each dimension. For the enum
dimensions, it displays the ID type. For the not applicable
source type, this column represents a dynamic dimension.
• The number of available custom slots (dimensions and variables) depends on your organization’s configuration. The standard numbers are 200 for session or event custom dimensions, 10 for session or event custom variables and 20 for product custom dimensions.
Here’s a list of transformations that you can use.
Transformation name Transformation ID Source types Result type Unique count unique_count int, str int Min min float, int (as source) Max max float, int (as source) Average average float, int float Median median float, int (as source) Sum sum float, int (as source)
Here’s a list of transformations that you can use.
Transformation name Transformation ID Source types Result type Date to day to_date date, datetime date Date to start of hour to_start_of_hour datetime datetime Date to start of week to_start_of_week date, datetime date Date to start of month to_start_of_month date, datetime date Date to start of quarter to_start_of_quarter date, datetime date Date to start of year to_start_of_year date, datetime date Date to hour of day to_hour_of_day datetime int Date to day of week to_day_of_week date, datetime int Date to month number to_month_number date, datetime int Date to start of minute to_start_of_minute datetime datetime Date to start of five minutes to_start_of_five_minutes datetime datetime Date to start of ten minutes to_start_of_ten_minutes datetime datetime Lowercase lower str str Url to path to_path str str Url to domain to_domain str str Url strip query string strip_qs str str