SharePoint data isn't available in the real-time API.
Here’s a list of metrics that are available in Piwik PRO when you use SharePoint integration.
Name Comments (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Creations (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Deletions (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Edits (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Item attachment views (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Item shares (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Item views (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Likes (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name File openings (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Promotions (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Shares (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Name Uploads (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API Type int
Here’s a list of dimensions that are available in Piwik PRO when you use SharePoint integration.
Name Comments in session (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Creations in session (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Deletions in session (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Edits in session (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Item attachment views in session (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Item shares in session (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Item views in session (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Likes in session (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name File openings in session (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Promotions in session (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Shares in session (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Uploads in session (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type int Database type uint16 Nullable false
Name Action (SharePoint) Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type [int, str] Database type uint8 Nullable true Notes sharepoint_action.json
Name Author (SharePoint) Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable true
Name Author’s department (SharePoint) Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable true
Name Author’s full name (SharePoint) Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable true
Name Author’s job title (SharePoint) Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable true
Name Author’s office (SharePoint) Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable true
Name Content type (SharePoint) Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable true
Name Department (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable true
Name Full name (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable true
Name File type (SharePoint) Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable true
Name File URL (SharePoint) Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable true
Name Job title (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable true
Name Object type (SharePoint) Scopes event, product Availability Query API, Raw data API Type [int, str] Database type uint8 Nullable true Notes sharepoint_object_type.json
Name Office (SharePoint) Scopes event, product, session Availability Query API, Raw data API Type str Database type string Nullable true
The Database type
column displays the source type associated with each dimension. For the enum
dimensions, it displays the ID type. For the not applicable
source type, this column represents a dynamic dimension.