
The ecommerceOrder() method tracks conversions, including products and payment details.


ecommerceOrder(products, paymentInformation[, options])
eCommerce.ecommerceOrder(products, paymentInformation[, options])
eCommerce.ecommerceOrder(products, paymentInformation[, options])
eCommerce.ecommerceOrder(products, paymentInformation[, options])
eCommerce.ecommerceOrder(products, paymentInformation[, options])
eCommerce.ecommerceOrder(products, paymentInformation[, options])
eCommerce.ecommerceOrder(products, paymentInformation[, options])


productsArray<Product>List of productsYes
paymentInformationobjectThe total value of items in a cart has to be a float number or a string containing float number representation.Yes
optionsobjectOptional object used to provide additional parameters to the requestNo

Product Object

skustringProduct stock-keeping unit.Yes
namestringProduct name (default: “”).No
categorystring | Array<string>Product category or an array of up to 5 categories. Default: “”.No
pricenumber | stringProduct price must be a float number or a string containing float number representation. Default: 0.No
quantitynumber | stringProduct quantity must be an integer number or a string containing integer representation. Default: 1.No
brandstringProduct brand. Default: “”.No
variantstringProduct variant. Default: “”.No
customDimensionsobjectProduct custom dimensions. Default: {}.No

Payment Information Object

orderIdstringUnique order identifier.Yes
grandTotalnumber | stringThe total value of items in the cart. Must be a float number or a string containing a float number representation.Yes
subTotalnumber | stringThe total value of items in the cart without shipping. Must be a float number or a string containing a float number representation.No
taxnumber | stringThe total tax amount. Must be a float number or a string containing a float number representation.No
shippingnumber | stringThe total shipping cost. Must be a float number or a string containing a float number representation.No
discountnumber | stringThe total discount. Must be a float number or a string containing a float number representation.No

Options Object

currencyCodestringCurrency of the 'conversionValue' in ISO 4217 format. If not provided, the currency set in app settings will be used instead.No


      sku: "craft-311",
      name: "Unicorn Iron on Patch",
      category: "Crafts & Sewing",
      price: "150.00",
      quantity: 3,
      brand: "DMZ",
      variant: "blue",
      customDimensions: {
        1: "coupon-2020",
        2: "20%",
      sku: "craft-312",
      name: "Unicorn Iron on Grass",
      category: "Crafts & Sewing",
      price: "30.00",
      quantity: 1,
      brand: "DMZ",
      variant: "red",
      customDimensions: {
        1: "coupon-2020",
        2: "20%",
    orderId: "order-3415",
    grandTotal: "180.00",
    subTotal: "120.00",
    tax: "39.60",
    shipping: "60.00",
    discount: "18.00",
  { currencyCode: "EUR" },
      sku: "craft-311",
      name: "Unicorn Iron on Patch",
      category: "Crafts & Sewing",
      price: "150.00",
      quantity: 3,
      brand: "DMZ",
      variant: "blue",
      customDimensions: {
        1: "coupon-2020",
        2: "20%",
      sku: "craft-312",
      name: "Unicorn Iron on Grass",
      category: "Crafts & Sewing",
      price: "30.00",
      quantity: 1,
      brand: "DMZ",
      variant: "red",
      customDimensions: {
        1: "coupon-2020",
        2: "20%",
    orderId: "order-3415",
    grandTotal: "180.00",
    subTotal: "120.00",
    tax: "39.60",
    shipping: "60.00",
    discount: "18.00",
  { currencyCode: "EUR" }
      sku: "craft-311",
      name: "Unicorn Iron on Patch",
      category: "Crafts & Sewing",
      price: "150.00",
      quantity: 3,
      brand: "DMZ",
      variant: "blue",
      customDimensions: {
        1: "coupon-2020",
        2: "20%",
      sku: "craft-312",
      name: "Unicorn Iron on Grass",
      category: "Crafts & Sewing",
      price: "30.00",
      quantity: 1,
      brand: "DMZ",
      variant: "red",
      customDimensions: {
        1: "coupon-2020",
        2: "20%",
    orderId: "order-3415",
    grandTotal: "180.00",
    subTotal: "120.00",
    tax: "39.60",
    shipping: "60.00",
    discount: "18.00",
  { currencyCode: "EUR" }
      sku: "craft-311",
      name: "Unicorn Iron on Patch",
      category: "Crafts & Sewing",
      price: "150.00",
      quantity: 3,
      brand: "DMZ",
      variant: "blue",
      customDimensions: {
        1: "coupon-2020",
        2: "20%",
      sku: "craft-312",
      name: "Unicorn Iron on Grass",
      category: "Crafts & Sewing",
      price: "30.00",
      quantity: 1,
      brand: "DMZ",
      variant: "red",
      customDimensions: {
        1: "coupon-2020",
        2: "20%",
    orderId: "order-3415",
    grandTotal: "180.00",
    subTotal: "120.00",
    tax: "39.60",
    shipping: "60.00",
    discount: "18.00",
  { currencyCode: "EUR" }
      sku: "craft-311",
      name: "Unicorn Iron on Patch",
      category: "Crafts & Sewing",
      price: "150.00",
      quantity: 3,
      brand: "DMZ",
      variant: "blue",
      customDimensions: {
        1: "coupon-2020",
        2: "20%",
      sku: "craft-312",
      name: "Unicorn Iron on Grass",
      category: "Crafts & Sewing",
      price: "30.00",
      quantity: 1,
      brand: "DMZ",
      variant: "red",
      customDimensions: {
        1: "coupon-2020",
        2: "20%",
    orderId: "order-3415",
    grandTotal: "180.00",
    subTotal: "120.00",
    tax: "39.60",
    shipping: "60.00",
    discount: "18.00",
  { currencyCode: "EUR" }
      sku: "craft-311",
      name: "Unicorn Iron on Patch",
      category: "Crafts & Sewing",
      price: "150.00",
      quantity: 3,
      brand: "DMZ",
      variant: "blue",
      customDimensions: {
        1: "coupon-2020",
        2: "20%",
      sku: "craft-312",
      name: "Unicorn Iron on Grass",
      category: "Crafts & Sewing",
      price: "30.00",
      quantity: 1,
      brand: "DMZ",
      variant: "red",
      customDimensions: {
        1: "coupon-2020",
        2: "20%",
    orderId: "order-3415",
    grandTotal: "180.00",
    subTotal: "120.00",
    tax: "39.60",
    shipping: "60.00",
    discount: "18.00",
  { currencyCode: "EUR" }
      sku: "craft-311",
      name: "Unicorn Iron on Patch",
      category: "Crafts & Sewing",
      price: "150.00",
      quantity: 3,
      brand: "DMZ",
      variant: "blue",
      customDimensions: {
        1: "coupon-2020",
        2: "20%",
      sku: "craft-312",
      name: "Unicorn Iron on Grass",
      category: "Crafts & Sewing",
      price: "30.00",
      quantity: 1,
      brand: "DMZ",
      variant: "red",
      customDimensions: {
        1: "coupon-2020",
        2: "20%",
    orderId: "order-3415",
    grandTotal: "180.00",
    subTotal: "120.00",
    tax: "39.60",
    shipping: "60.00",
    discount: "18.00",
  { currencyCode: "EUR" }

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