The trackGoal() method tracks completed goals in your app. You can set any event as a goal, like when visitors sign up, buy your product, download a whitepaper or do anything else you think is important for your business.


await FlutterPiwikPro.sharedInstance.trackGoal(
	goal: "goalID", 
  revenue: conversionValue);


goalID (string , required)

The ID of the goal you want to track. (To find a goal ID go to Menu > Analytics > Goals.)

conversionValue (number, optional)

The value of the goal. It’s used to calculate the goal revenue.


To send a goal with the ID 27ecc5e3-8ae0-40c3-964b-5bd8ee3da059 and the value 20:

await FlutterPiwikPro.sharedInstance.trackGoal(
	goal: "27ecc5e3-8ae0-40c3-964b-5bd8ee3da059", 
  revenue: 20);


  • After you set up a goal in Analytics > Goals > Add a goal, the goal is tracked automatically. The trackGoal() method can be used in addition to the automatic method.
  • For more on goals, see our help article.