


This method is no longer recommended. Audience Manager is no longer available in the latest product version.

The setUserEmail() method sets a user email. The email can be sent to Audience Manager with a screen view or other event. The email enriches the user profile in Audience Manager and helps to recognize events belonging to the same user (only in the user profile in Audience Manager, but not in Analytics).


await FlutterPiwikPro.sharedInstance.setUserEmail('userEmail');


userEmail (string, required)

The user’s email address.


To set a user’s email address and send it to Audience Manager with a screen view:

 await FlutterPiwikPro.sharedInstance.setUserEmail('[email protected]');


  • The user’s email address is used only by Audience Manager. It is visible in Audience Manager > Profiles.
  • The user’s email address won’t be sent if setAnonymizationState(true) is set.