Getting started

Our SDK for Android lets you collect user data from Android mobile apps. It contains over 30 methods that make it easy to track screen views, goals, ecommerce orders and more. To get started, you need to set up your account in Piwik PRO, install our library and set up the tracker.

Set up Piwik PRO

Before you install our library for Android, you need to set up Piwik PRO. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Log in to Piwik PRO.
  2. Go to Menu > Administration.
  3. Navigate to Sites & apps.
  4. Click Add a site or app.
  5. Type the app name and address, and click Save.
  6. Set the time zone and currency.
  7. Note the site/app ID. The ID is under the app name. Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.
  8. Note your account address. Example:

Install the library

To install the library, follow these steps:

  1. Add the JitPack repository to your root build.gradle file at the end of repositories:
allprojects {  
repositories {  
  maven { url '<'> }  
  1. Add the dependency to the application module build.gradle file:
dependencies {  
implementation 'pro.piwik:sdk-framework-android:VERSION'  

Note: Replace VERSION with the latest release name. Example: 1.1.8. (Where to find it?)

Set up the tracker

To set up the Piwik PRO tracker, you can use two methods: (1) create and manage the tracker in the Application class or (2) manage the tracker on your own.

Method #1

We recommend using this method for most cases. It forces the implementation of just one abstract method.

To set up the Piwik PRO tracker, follow these steps:

  1. Extend the PiwikApplication class with your Android application class. Use your account address (example: and the site/app ID (Where to find it?)
public class YourApplication extends PiwikApplication{ @Override public TrackerConfig onCreateTrackerConfig() { return TrackerConfig.createDefault("account-address", "site-id"); } }

Tip: See our demo app where we used this method.

  1. Share the Tracker instance across your app. The Tracker is now thread-safe.
Tracker tracker = ((PiwikApplication) getApplication()).getTracker();
  1. Done! Now your app can use Piwik PRO SDK.
  2. We recommend using the TrackHelper class to track events. For tracking each event with TrackHelper, you will need to pass the Tracker instance.
Tracker tracker = ((PiwikApplication) getApplication()).getTracker(); TrackHelper.track().screen("Main screen").with(tracker);

Note: The TrackerHelper class has methods for all common actions, which can be chained to facilitate the correct order and use. Combine it with the IDE autocompletion and using the SDK will be even easier.

Method #2

To set up the Piwik PRO tracker, follow these steps:

  1. Manage the tracker on your own. Use your account address (Example: and the site/app ID (Where to find it?).
public class YourApplication extends Application { private Tracker tracker; public synchronized Tracker getTracker() { if (tracker == null) tracker = Piwik.getInstance(this).newTracker(new TrackerConfig(""account-address", "site-id", "Default Tracker")); return tracker; } }

Note: We recommend using just one tracker instance for your app. Otherwise, you may end up with over-counted metrics.

  1. Share the Tracker instance across your app. The Tracker is now thread-safe.
Tracker tracker = ((YourApplication) getApplication()).getTracker();
  1. Done! Now your app can use Piwik PRO SDK.
  2. We recommend using the TrackHelperclass to track events. For tracking each event with TrackHelper, you will need to pass the Trackerinstance.
Tracker tracker = ((YourApplication) getApplication()).getTracker(); TrackHelper.track().screen("Main screen").with(tracker);

Note: The TrackerHelper class has methods for all common actions, which can be chained to facilitate the correct order and use. Combine it with the IDE autocompletion and using the SDK will be even easier.


Our SDK is written in Java but can be used with Kotlin. If you refer to any of our methods in Kotlin, they will automatically appear as Kotlin syntax.

Here’s an example of the track().screen() method in both languages:

Tracker tracker = ((PiwikApplication) getApplication()).getTracker(); TrackHelper.track().screen("path").title("title").with(tracker);
val tracker: Tracker = (application as PiwikApplication).tracker TrackHelper.track().screen("path").title("title").with(tracker)

Tip: For more on calling Java from Kotlin, see this article.

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