Piwik PRO Library for Gatsby

Dedicated Piwik PRO library that helps with implementing Piwik PRO Tag Manager and the Piwik PRO tracking client in Gatsby applications.


To use this package in your project, run the following command.


npm install @piwikpro/gatsby-piwik-pro


yarn add @piwikpro/gatsby-piwik-pro

Basic setup

In your Gatsby Project, edit main configuration file called gatsby-config.js (gatsby-config.ts if you are using TypeScript).

In the arguments, pass your container URL and your container id as parameters (marked containerUrl and containerId in the example below).

You can disable plugin setting parameter pluginEnabled as false.

If you want to use nonce, you need to pass it as parameter nonceString.


plugins: [
      resolve: '@piwikpro/gatsby-plugin-piwik-pro',
      options: {
        pluginEnabled: true,
        containerUrl: 'https://example.containers.piwik.pro/',
        containerId: 'dc0f2c80-79d8-456a-9c77-6d48d6f867dd', 
        nonceString: '' // not required

Track page views

To track all page view you need to create or edit gatsby-browser.js or gatsby-browser.ts file, and add onRouteUpdate function like on example below.

import {PageViews} from '@piwikpro/gatsby-plugin-piwik-pro'

const onRouteUpdate = () => {
  if (`requestAnimationFrame` in window) {
    requestAnimationFrame(() => {
      requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(() => PageViews.trackPageView(), 0))
  } else {
    setTimeout(() => PageViews.trackPageView(), 32)

export {onRouteUpdate}

Supported methods list and usage

To use methods in your page you need to import them from the library like on example.

import { PageViews, DataLayer } from '@piwikpro/gatsby-plugin-piwik-pro'

You can use those methods in all hooks and props for ex. useEffect or onClick.


useEffect(() => {
  PageViews.trackPageView('optional title')
}, [])


  onClick={() => {
    CustomEvent.trackEvent('Post', pageData.title)
  CustomEvent.trackEvent button

Below you can view the sample usage of the avialable methods from modules.


Pages views

import { PageViews } from '@piwikpro/gatsby-plugin-piwik-pro'
PageViews.trackPageView('optional title')

User management

Collection of methods to handle users and visitors data through the Piwik PRO API.

  • UserManagement.setUserId(userID) - Sets user ID, which will help identify a user of your application across many devices and browsers.
    • userID (string) – Required Non-empty, unique ID of a user in application
  • UserManagement.resetUserId() - Clears previously set userID, e.g. when visitor logs out.
  • UserManagement.getUserId() - Returns currently used userID value (set with setUserId()).
  • UserManagement.getVisitorId() - Returns 16-character hex ID of the visitor.
  • UserManagement.getVisitorInfo() - Returns visitor information. Return type string[]. String array with the following visitor info:
    • [0] - new visitor flag indicating new, (”1”) or returning (”0”) visitor
    • [1] - visitor ID (16-character hex number)
    • [2] - first visit timestamp (UNIX epoch time)
    • [3] - previous visit count (”0” for first visit)
    • [4] - current visit timestamp (UNIX epoch time)
    • [5] - last visit timestamp (UNIX epoch time or “” if N/A)
    • [6] - last e-commerce order timestamp (UNIX epoch time or “” if N/A)
Example usage
import { UserManagement } from '@piwikpro/gatsby-plugin-piwik-pro'


Some of the methods are getting data from the API and they need to be called asynchronously. They provide data that can be shown on the page. This need to be done with defining async function in your hook body and setting the state of the variable. Like on example below.

const [userId, setUserId] = useState<string>('')
const [visitorId, setVisitorId] = useState<string>('')
const [visitorInfo, setVisitorInfo] = useState<any>('')

const callAsyncMethods = async () => {
  const uId = await UserManagement.getUserId()

  const vId = await UserManagement.getVisitorId()

  const vInfo = await UserManagement.getVisitorInfo()


You have access to those variables in you page body. Example access below.

<p><code>UserManamement.getUserId()</code> - {userId}</p>
<p><code>UserManamement.getVisitorId()</code> - {visitorId}</p>
  <code>UserManamement.getVisitorInfo()</code> -{' '}

Custom Events

Collection of methods to handle custom events, not described in the other categories.

  • CustomEvent.trackEvent(category, action[, name[, value[, dimensions]]]) - Tracks custom event, e.g. when visitor interacts with the page.
    • category (string) – Required Event category
    • action (string) – Required Event action
    • name (string) – Optional Event name
    • value (number) – Optional Event value
Example usage
import { CustomEvent } from '@piwikpro/gatsby-plugin-piwik-pro'
CustomEvent.trackEvent('Post', pageData.title)


Collection of methods to handle eCommerce events through the Piwik PRO API.

// maximum length of the array is 5
type LimitedArrayFiveStrings<T extends string[] = []> = [string, ...T] | [string, string, string, string, string];

type Product = {
  sku: string;
  name?: string;
  category?: LimitedArrayFiveStrings<string[]>;
  price?: number;
  quantity?: number;
  brand?: string;
  variant?: string;
  customDimensions?: object;
  • ecommerceAddToCart(products: Product[]) - Tracks action of adding products to a cart.
  • ecommerceRemoveFromCart(products: Product[]) - Tracks action of removing a products from a cart.
  • ecommerceOrder(products: Product[], paymentInformation: PaymentInformation) - Tracks conversion (including products and payment details).
  • ecommerceCartUpdate(products: Product[], grandTotal: PaymentInformation['grandTotal']) - Tracks current state of a cart.
  • ecommerceProductDetailView(products: Product[]) - Tracks product or category view. Must be followed by a page view.

Deprecated methods:

  • eCommerce.addEcommerceItem(productSKU[, productName[, productCategory[, productPrice[, productQuantity]]]]) - Adds a product to a virtual shopping cart. If a product with the same SKU is in the cart, it will be removed first. Does not send any data to the Collecting & Processing Pipeline.
    • productSKU (string) – Required Product stock-keeping unit
    • productName (string) – Optional Product name
    • productCategory (string|Array<string>) – Optional Product category or an array of up to 5 categories
    • productPrice (number) – Optional Product price
    • productQuantity (number) – Optional The number of units
  • eCommerce.removeEcommerceItem(productSKU) - Removes a product with the provided SKU from a virtual shopping cart. If multiple units of that product are in the virtual cart, all of them will be removed. Does not send any data to the Collecting & Processing Pipeline.
    • productSKU (string) – Required stock-keeping unit of a product to remove
  • eCommerce.clearEcommerceCart() - Removes all items from a virtual shopping cart. Does not send any data to the Collecting & Processing Pipeline.
  • eCommerce.getEcommerceItems() - Returns a copy of items from a virtual shopping cart. Does not send any data to the Collecting & Processing Pipeline. Returns: Object containing all tracked items (format: Object<productSKU, Array[productSKU, productName, productCategory, price, quantity]>)
  • eCommerce.setEcommerceView([productSKU[, productName[, productCategory[, productPrice]]]]) - Tracks product or category view. Must be followed by a page view.
    • productSKU (string) – Optional Product stock-keeping unit
    • productName (string) – Optional Product name
    • productCategory (string|Array<string>) – Optional Category or an array of up to 5 categories
    • productPrice (number) – Optional Product price
  • eCommerce.trackEcommerceCartUpdate(cartAmount) - Tracks items present in a virtual shopping cart (registered with addEcommerceItem).
    • cartAmount (number) – Required The total value of items in the cart
  • eCommerce.trackEcommerceOrder(orderID, orderGrandTotal[, orderSubTotal[, orderTax[, orderShipping[, orderDiscount]]]]) - Tracks a successfully placed e-commerce order with items present in a virtual cart (registered using addEcommerceItem).
    • orderID (string) – Required String uniquely identifying an order
    • orderGrandTotal (number) – Required Order Revenue grand total - tax, shipping and discount included
    • orderSubTotal (number)– Optional Order subtotal - without shipping
    • orderTax (number)– Optional Order tax amount
    • orderShipping (number) – Optional Order shipping cost
    • orderDiscount (number) – Optional Order discount amount
Example usage
import { eCommerce } from '@piwikpro/gatsby-plugin-piwik-pro'
eCommerce.addEcommerceItem('1', 'ProductName', 'Items', 69, 1)


eCommerce.trackEcommerceOrder('id', 50)




Some of the methods are getting data from the API and they need to be called asynchronously. They provide data that can be shown no the page. This need to be done with defining async function in your hook body and setting the state of the variable. Like on example below.

const [eCommerceItems, setECommerceInfo] = useState<any>('')

const callAsyncMethods = async () => {
  const ecItem = await eCommerce.getEcommerceItems()


You have access to those variables in you page body. Example below.

  <code>eCommerce.getEcommerceItems()</code> -{' '}

Content Tracking

Collection of methods to track impressions through the Piwik PRO API.

  • ContentTracking.trackContentImpression(contentName, contentPiece, contentTarget) - Tracks manual content impression event.
    • contentName (string) – Required Name of a content block
    • contentPiece (string) – Required Name of the content that was displayed (e.g. link to an image)
    • contentTarget (string) – Required Where the content leads to (e.g. URL of some external website)
  • ContentTracking.trackContentInteraction(contentInteraction, contentName, contentPiece, contentTarget) - Tracks manual content interaction event.
    • contentInteraction (string) – Required Type of interaction (e.g. “click”)
    • contentName (string) – Required Name of a content block
    • contentPiece (string) – Required Name of the content that was displayed (e.g. link to an image)
    • contentTarget (string) – Required Where the content leads to (e.g. URL of some external website)
Example usage
import { ContentTracking } from '@piwikpro/gatsby-plugin-piwik-pro'


Goal Conversions

Collection of methods to manually tracks goal conversions through the Piwik PRO API.

  • GoalConversions.trackGoal(goalID[, conversionValue[, dimensions]]) - Tracks manual goal conversion. goalID (number|string) – Required Goal ID (integer or UUID), conversionValue (number) – Optional Conversion value (revenue), dimensions (object) – Optional Custom dimensions to pass along with the conversion
Example usage
import { GoalConversions } from '@piwikpro/gatsby-plugin-piwik-pro'
GoalConversions.trackGoal(1, 30)

Custom Dimensions

Collection of methods to manage custom dimentsions through the Piwik PRO API.

  • CustomDimensions.setCustomDimensionValue(customDimensionID, customDimensionValue - Sets a custom dimension to be used later.
    • customDimensionID (number) – Required ID of a custom dimension, customDimensionValue (string) – Required Value of a custom dimension
  • CustomDimensions.deleteCustomDimension(customDimensionID) - Removes a custom dimension with the specified ID.
    • customDimensionID (number) – Required ID of a custom dimension
  • CustomDimensions.getCustomDimensionValue(customDimensionID)- Returns the value of a custom dimension with the specified ID. Returns: Value set with setCustomDimensionValue (e.g. loginStatus). Return type: string
    • customDimensionID (number)– Required ID of a custom dimension.
Example usage
import { CustomDimensions } from '@piwikpro/gatsby-plugin-piwik-pro'
CustomDimensions.setCustomDimensionValue('customDimensionId', 'value')



Some of the methods are getting data from the API and they need to be called asynchronously. They provide data that can be shown on the page. This need to be done with defining async function in your hook body and setting the state of the variable. Like on example below.

const [customDimValue, setCustomDimValue] = useState<string>('')

const callAsyncMethods = async () => {
  const cDimValue = await CustomDimensions.getCustomDimensionValue(12)


You have access to those variables in you page body. Example access below.

  <code>CustomDimensions.getCustomDimensionValue()</code> - {customDimValue}

Tag manager


A data layer is a data structure on your site or app where you can store data and access it with tools like Tag Manager. You can include any data you want in your data layer.

  • DataLayer.push(data) - Adds an event to a data layer.
    • data - Required data value without type.
Example usage
import { DataLayer } from '@piwikpro/gatsby-plugin-piwik-pro'